In order to improve the efficiency, productivity and profit of the mills, it is absolutely necessary that the mill personnel should be continuously motivated and trained to carry out the challenging tasks in there respective mills. Pulp and paper mills will have substantial saving in raw materials, energy and other areas with environmental and financial benefits. BAT (Best available technology) will be established in some of the areas. With this in mind, IARPMA extensively organizing training programmes in various fields of paper industry to equip the shop-floor personnel of the industry to face all emerging challenges.
The technical division of IARPMA is actively engaged in development and up gradation of the technologies for this segment of the industry..Experts of this division are presently working on a number of projects related to pulping, bleaching, energy and environment, water conservation, product diversification and quality improvement
Technically Sound and Energy efficient Mills are only going to be survived, specially with Globalisation/Liberalisation/International threats.
Energy is very expensive and often constitutes 25 – 30% of the total product cost. Indian Paper Mills are mostly energy inefficient and consuming 20 – 25% more energy with regard to international standard, which can be saved by Energy Audit & Conservation executed scientifically and thus can save Rs. 330 lakhs per annum for a 100 TPD Mill :
“Clean Water” availability is decreasing every day. Water consumption rate per tonne of paper is very high in India against international standards. It is not unheard of that during summer some paper mills are shut for “Want of Water”.
A substantial quantity of water can be conserved by adapting specially designed software programme.
Stringent regulation and world body compulsion to protect the Environment is offing. The industry has to maintain the ecological balance and must be “Non polluting” in its nature and operation. Hence before someone else condemn the Indian Paper Mills, the mill must take care for ”the Environment”.
Non-productivity is one of the major factor for the economic viability. Every day break-downs inefficient operation, defective plants & equipments, obsolete technology, lack of exposure are few causes : IAPMA has the expert team to diagnose, identify and assist in restoration of rated production.
The development of new products/formulations/materials is of paramount importance to Indian Paper Industry to facilitate India's entry into global market.
Often observed the specific paper plant are not making the better value added product which the same is capable either as such or with slight alternation.
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