Indian Agro & Recycled Paper Mills Association
National apex body of Indian paper & board Manufacturers based on non-conventional raw materials
  • Providing Clean Environment
  • Our Members Manufacture Eco-friendly Paper
  • Technology Initiative
  • Converting waste into wealth
  • Creating Economy and Rural Employment
  • Encouraging Agricultural activities in Rural Areas
  • Providing Extra Income for Farmers
  • Encouraging and creating awareness on
    wastepaper collection

IARPMA Publications


Paperex has been conceived primarily as a technology show. It aims to provide a forum to exhibit and gain exposure to further innovations in technology, equipment and services in the field of Pulp and Paper and Conversion Industry. Bilateral discussions between Indian and Overseas machinery manufacturers would lead to foreign collaborations which will help in technological upgradation of indigenously made machinery which would ultimately prove to be beneficial to our neighbouring countries.

Coupled with the Exhibition, the International Conference focuses specially on latest technological advancement in the Paper Industry around the World and deliberates the possibility of adapting the same in the Indian context.

The First International Exhibition and Conference on Pulp and Paper Industry in India was held in December 1993, which was adjudged to be the best commodity fair in this part of the world. In view of the popular demand and to encourage regular flow of technology it was decided to institutionalize the Paperex Fair and Conference to be held every alternate year. Followed by the Paperex'93, we have jointly with ITEI (our event manager) successfully conducting the paperex events every alternate year in New Delhi.

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