Indian Agro & Recycled Paper Mills Association
National apex body of Indian paper & board Manufacturers based on non-conventional raw materials
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    Providing Clean Environment
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    Our Members Manufacture Eco-friendly Paper
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    Technology Initiative
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    Converting waste into wealth
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    Creating Economy and Rural Employment
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    Encouraging Agricultural activities in Rural Areas
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    Providing Extra Income for Farmers
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    Encouraging and creating awareness on
    wastepaper collection

IARPMA Publications


The Paper Industry is one of the oldest Industries in India and since the first mill was set up in the country, the number of paper mills has increased substantially and particularly in the recent past, the number of mills and volume of production have also gone up. It is in this context IARPMA, the exclusive Apex Body of paper mills based on non woody raw material has decided to bring out the updated Inpaper Directory of Indian Paper Manufacturers and Allied Industries having all the information of wood based, agro based, waste paper based and allied industries including research institutes, consultants, suppliers etc on pulp, paper in India.

The need for a Directory was felt not only by the policy planners but also by the Industry as well as the allied suppliers to the industry. In a dynamic situation where there is change in the number as well as volume of production of paper mills frequently, the need for accurate information is always sought and therefore the publication division of IARPMA decided to bring out the Directory at an interval of 2 years to coincide with Paperex Exhibition and Conference of IARPMA to bring out the changing scenario in the paper industry so that manufacturers connected with the Industry would be benefited to know the changes taking place not only in the existing mills but also the capacities that are likely to come up in future.

There has been an overwhelming response and encouragement from paper mills as well as the suppliers to the paper Industries in bringing out various editions of the Directory in the past. The updated information of this directory will serve the need of policy planners, policy implementers, suppliers, mills and R & D Institutions, besides the ancillary and auxiliary Industries. The directory can be purchased from our IARPMA head office located in New Delhi. E-mail: